Tuesday 6 August 2013

The Down Shot

No need to intro, no need to waffle on.  It's all to do with the down shot and for once the market chick will let the photos do the talking.



Friday 26 July 2013

Just enough for one

Whilst not necessarily a devotee of sweetness the 2095 market chick is not immune to the odd craving.

One of the delights she has discovered in her market travels is the "raw" and "gluten free" side of sweetness in today's food revolution (or should that be evolution?!). And it's not something to be poo-poo'd at.  Not at all! 

For these beauties taste sublime....not like in the good old days when if it wasn't main-stream it tasted permanently like cardboard and if it was destined to be "sweet" it more than likely had an overdose of saccharine....deeeelightful!

Having got that off her chest, the 2095 market chick would like to show off treats, sweets and all things naughty and even better than that: treats designed just for one!

ps: bet you can't guess which is the raw and gluten free....go on!  give it a try...be daring!

Tuesday 23 July 2013

Red and in ya face

Those who are familiar with the 2095 market chickz blog, know that she loves to set herself a challenge when at market.  Red is here, red is loud, red is proud.  How many versions of red could be found not only at one market but in one day?  

"But which market?" does the 2095 chick hear you say?  Well the only clue is this. Part of its name is a primary colour, it's is in the Inner West and it's run on a Saturday in a certain school..oopla! That's more than one clue!

Friday 19 July 2013

Kale....it's the new "black"

There is no doubt for this market chick that the singularly most sought after, photographed and talked about "super food" or in this case "super veg" is kale.  

As a photographer this vegetable is sensational to capture due to the various life forms it can take whether it be edible or decorative or even as the "drink".  

The adage "if it's green then it must be good for you" takes on an entirely new life form.  Kids are drinking, adults adore it, gardens love it, nutritionists can't sing its praises highly enough.

What is it about this nature's wonder that is (to the market chick's mind at least) has it at Number 1 for however many millions of consecutive months of the vegetable chart.

So as not to be left off the bandwagon the market chick felt duty bound to partake in the celebration known as Kale...... et voila!

Friday 12 July 2013

Fair Trade Fabulousness

Inspired by a recent blog the 2095 chick recently read, she thought she would delve in to the plethora of images caught at market and find some that are "stand outs" but it must also be noted that ALL fair trade is a standout by her standards.

In a world where convenience apparently means saving time and mindlessly throwing things in to a basket or trolley, what really needs to be done is a bit of "slow", a bit of "let's see where this stuff comes from and who will benefit most from my purchase" thinking.

Whether it be clothing, cosmetics, food, soaps, drinks or whatever else you desire, if you take just a fraction of a moment to ponder, you may just be able to support a community without fully realising.